Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chocolate Brownies Without Vanilla

Experiential Learning Part 2!

Last Saturday we had our second session of experiential learning. Watch our videos on what we did!

Last Saturday, We Had Our second session of Experiential Learning. Watch the videos on What we did!

Young had to go through obstacles with bandages on their eyes!

The Youths Had to cross an obstacle course blindfolded!

And this activity is called Human Ladder. Team members climbed a ladder formed by the other members of their groups.

And this activity is Called Human Ladder. Members of the team climb up a ladder Formed by Their fellow members.

We are proud to say that all teams met with the activities and did very well! Look at this blog for more information about our third experimental learning session on Saturday! We're proud

That All the teams completed Their Activities well! Watch this space for more information on Our third session this Saturday!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

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Youth Club, 1st Day of School

On Saturday March 14, classes and activities for our Cool Cycle, Youth Alive! 2009 started! We were excited to see many of our young people back to the club to continue their English classes. And we were very happy to see new young people who wanted to get together in classes and activities.

On Saturday the 14th of March the classes and Cycle of Cool Activities, Youth Alive! 2009 started! We Were glad to see Many of Our Youths Returning to Their Inglés continue classes. Also we where very happy to see new Youths Joining us in Our Class and Activities.

We are also proud to have a team of trained volunteers who have experience not only teaching English but also are trained to advise our youth by instilling values \u200b\u200bin their lives. These volunteers have been very committed and loyal we are very proud to have them us.

We are proud to Have Also with us a team of Experienced Trained Volunteers Who Are Not Only to teach Inglés But Who Are Also Able to counsel the Youths in inculcating good values \u200b\u200bInto Their Lives. They Have Been Faithful and Committed Volunteers and We Are Proud To Have Them with us.

We started our activities with experiential learning as well - in these activities young people can learn more about themselves and learn to work together. It was fun to see young people playing games such as whack-and-Bone Dog and challenge all young people in the race for amoebas. We Also

Our Activities kicked off with Experiential Learning - Activities from dog Which Youths learn more about Themselves and about working together. It Was a lot of fun watching the Youths play whack-and-Bone Dog and Challenge Each Other in Amoeba Race.

After the leaders passed an evaluation and learning time with their respective teams, the month we celebrate birthdays together. This month (March), we are pleased to celebrate with Karla, Keng Suan and Mayra. Happy birthday to them!

After the Group Leaders Their members led through to time of evaluation and learning from the Activities, we Also Celebrated birthdays of the month together. This month, We Are glad to celebrate together with Karla, Keng Suan and Mayra. Happy birthday to them!

Thanks to all our adult volunteers, our youth volunteers and all our members, we had a great day together. And we hope to enjoy more moments like this throughout the year.

Thanks to all our adult Volunteers, Our Youth Volunteers and All Our members, we had a great day together. We hope to Have A lot more of Such moments in this year to come!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Significance Of The Prole Song

Activities and Youth Alive! Apertura 2009

Last Saturday we welcomed youth with his parents at the opening of our Youth Alive! Spring Cycle 2009.

Last Saturday we Welcome the Youths and Their Parents to our Club's Inauguration for Youth Alive! Spring Cycle 2009.

Our young people came very excited to discover more about the new cycle as their parents. It was really a joy to meet again with the families of our youth. Our Youths

meat excited to find out more about the new cycle, as well as Their parents. It was really a joy to Meet the Families of Our Youths again.

Suan, Our Project Manager of Youth Alive!, we talked about the importance of developing young people, not just for the sake of the young but also for the country's future.

Suan, Our project manager for Youth Alive!, Spoke to us about the Importance of Developing Youths, Not Only for the Youths, But Also for the future of the country.

"It is important that youth have a global perspective for the different changes around the world. Having a global perspective will enable young people to manage the changes that will affect their lives. "

" It is important That Have A global Youths Because of the mindset Many Changes around the world. Having a global mindset Enables Them to Manage the Changes That Will Affect Their Lives. "

" For young people to learn more about the world and communicate with people from around the world, need to learn English, because English is a global language. "

" In order for the Youths to learn more about the world and to Communicate with people around the world, it's NECESSARY to learn Inglés, Because Inglés is a global language. "

" Through our activities, youth learn how to work in groups, earn the trust of each other, plan to achieve their goals and also to have an altruistic heart for others. "

" Through Our Activities, Youths will learn how to work in groups, gain the trust of One Another, plan to Reach Their Goals, And Also to gain an altruistic heart for others. "

Then our Executiva Project, Laura, spoke to youth about the importance of their commitment to the club. Then

Our project executive, Laura, spoke to the Youths about the Importance of Their Commitment in the club.

"The best way to appreciate what their teachers do for you is showing interest in what they teach. "

" The best way to Appreciate What Your teachers do for you is to show Interest in What They Teach. "

" Your personal development is in your own hands, and we will help to reach your full potential. "

" Your personal development is in your own hands, and we will help you to Reach your maximum potential. "

We can not wait for our new cycle, with enthusiasm! Classes begin this Saturday at 3pm and activities at 4:30 p.m. We want all our young people have a wonderful time learning and many new friends in the club.

Classes will start this Saturday at 3pm and Activities at 4:30 pm. Our Youths We wish all a happy time and learning Many new friends in the Club.