Thursday, April 30, 2009

Does Your Scrotum Usually Itch

Linkin Park '

Linkin Park in 'Transformers 2'

Foto de la Noticia
Photo: Reuters + Enlarge

American group Linkin Park will also be in the second part of the film Transformers . The formation of nu-metal is working with composer Hans Zimmer to include in the soundtrack of Transformers 2 one of his songs, as they did in the first installment of the series.
With 70 million albums sold worldwide and 2 Grammy awards to his credit, Linkin Park may well boast of being one of the metal bands with more international success, due in large part to its Hybrid Theory (2000) . They also have on your resume up to ten films that have enjoyed some of their songs for inclusion on the soundtrack, including Transformers , Fast and Furious or The One .
Now the band from Los Angeles will target a new film on your list, where you can also find the hit CSI or game Rock Band - it seems to have been contracted to include one of his songs on the soundtrack of Transformers 2 , as confirmed by Mike Shinoda , voice and guitar of the group, a post he has posted on his personal blog.
"We are working with award-winning film composer (and kicks ass resident) Hans Zimmer. We met with Hans last week and heard some of the amazing things he and his guys have done our new song. In the coming days, we will work with the great team of writing and recording of Hans ", Shinoda has reported on a composer who has an Oscar for the soundtrack of The Lion King .
"Song we wrote is being used in a topic, write it several interpolations and test other ideas as part of the (huge) group of songs that sound in the film, "says the guitarist of Linkin Park that in the first part of the saga of Transformers included the song What I've done and that the new release seems to have greater importance .
Transformers: Revenge of the fallen will be starring Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox and in theaters around the world next June. The director of the hipertaquillera tape (raised more than $ 700 million) Michael Bay, has already predicted that the next installment of the alien robots will abandon the concessions for comedy and action relentless struggle.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Chinese New Year Sms Greeting Message

Male Model Average Bmi


Transformers 2: Some characters go and others stay

The anticipated sequel to the mega-hit Transformers has several fans (including me) motivated to see what developments will soon on the big screen.

The big question is: Which characters will return and what new?

In Transformers 2 have new villains and new heroes.

There are comments that Transformers 2 is already in production and filming, but there is nothing certain about it. Michael Bay is currently giving finishing touches to the script, which was developed by only occurred while the writers strike, so that once completed, this script is enhanced by the trio: Kurtzman, Orci and Kruger. It is then that a lot of preparation and previous work before filming this movie.

The Decepticons

The Decepticons have a new support group for their nefarious plans. The Constructicons. In the original series of Transformers G1 Constructicons were 5 the green tractors called: Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Hook and Long Haul. The 5 had the ability to unite and form a giant robot called: Devastator. Michael Bay tells us that we have a Devastator in Transformers 2.


Currently we do not know if Michael Bay keep the original names of the series for Constructicons, but it is speculated that the names of the 5 robots are not separated and united them. In the first Transformers movie (and blunder in my opinion) already used the names of Bonecrusher (Mine truck with mechanical arm) and Devastator (military tank that should have been called Brawl the Tank Combaticons ).

Who knows, Devastator not change, and that while name was used in the design of the tank, I think only Megatron mentioned his name once and barely understood.

Back Barricade

these pictures have been published that show a 3 Barricades on the way to the studios.

are actually 2 cars Saleen Mustang with the logo of the Decepticons aside.

is obviously not that Barricade suffer from cloning, but for any film needed 3 or more models of the same car to destroy them at ease.

New characters for human

will continue acting Shia and Megan Fox and have confirmed the following new characters to the cast of humans: Chuck

(from 19 to 25 years) will be Sam's roommate at Princeton University. He will be webmaster of a website on conspiracy theories. Ironically discover that one of his theories come to life.

U.S. Military Leader (of 25 + years) will be Afro-American character with a great sense of humor and a strong military presence.

Leader Special Forces of the United Kingdom (30 + years) will be an intelligent and gutsy British. It will be British but we do not know if their ethnic features are Caucasian, African or Indian.

Galloway (ages 45 +) National Security Advisor and confidant of the President of USA.

Professor Colan (from 40 + years) The Sam's physics professor at Princeton. It is a selfish intellectual who compares himself to Einstein, and is arrogant enough to wear leather pants and believe that is fashionable.

Theresa (30 + years) is the wife of Sergeant Epps has 4 hhijos, is mischievous and sexy, very good jokes. Called African-American actresses only.

Mama Simmons (of 70 + years) New York uan mother. Have a butcher (or similar business) are served alongside her son in Brooklyn. is rude and sarcastic.

MASSIVE DYNAMICS CEO (50 years) this will be the General Manager (CEO) who will go to testify Congress.

Texas Congressman (55 - 65 years), is part of a Congressional Inquiry Committee seeking to reveal the mystery of an Automatic Defense Initiative, developed by Massive Dynamics.

FBI Director (50 + years) will give a speech to the public that everyone is safe against attacks.

CNN Reporter . Report the attack of rockets and bombs in several cities. Can be male or female of any race

SOURCE: Aeromental

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Washington Sports Club Enrollment Fee

Experiences of Young People in Youth Challenge 2008 ... then ...

Following the experience of our young people in Youth Challenge ...

Continuing with the experience of Our Youths in Youth Challenge ...

These were the groups that participated in our "TALK SHOW":

That These Were the groups Participate in our "Talk Show":

• Feet Xtreme (Mayra)

• All Terrain (Judith)

• Youth in Action (Fiorella and Jonathan )

And these were some of the questions posed by Laura at 3 groups:

And These Were Some of the questions That Laura Asked the 3 groups:

Legs Extreme

1 ) Have you a funny story?

Was There Any funny anecdote?

Yes, a very funny when Jonathan was standing on a stone that was near the cataract, we had said it was dangerous but we are not obeyed and the time when the ups and rafa wind that had crashed into the water as mojo ...

Yes it was very funny when to Jonathan Had climber to Rocjá That Was closet or the waterfall, We Had Told That It Was Dangerous him But I did notice us and in That bey That time I climber a strong draft of wind blew and Splash him with water ...

2) What did you learn?

What did all of you learn?

learned to be more united to support each other, also persevere with our challenge ...

We Learnt To Be more united in order to support Mutually One Another, And Also To Be more persevering with Our challenge ...

All Terrain

1) Any anecdote funny?

Was There Any funny anecdote?

When we were in the boat, we had to paddle to get there, and when we paddled were hanging around, none of us knew how to do it at the end showed us a child was very funny ...

When we where in the boat, we Had to row in order to Reach land, and When We Were rowing we where turning in circles, none of us Knew how to do it Until a child Eichmann us, it was very funny ...

2) What did you learn?

What did you learn?
do together and be supportive, because they were 3 hours of walking we had to stick together and help our friends, some of them could not walk. That's where we encouraged.

We Learnt To Be united and Identify with One Another, Because It Was 3 hours of walking and we Had together and help to remai Our Friends, Some Of Them Could not walk. There is Where We Encouraged One Another.

Youth in Action

1) Have you a funny story?

Was There Any funny anecdote?

Yes, it was at the time that everyone should dance, and more old ladies who are moving very well. Without hesitation danced better than us ...

Yes It Was in the moment in Which Each One Had to dance, for more of the elderly remove Seemed to move well. Without Doubt, Better Than They Danced ...

2) What did you learn?

What did you learn?

learned to value the elderly, too to have more communication with each other and mutual support that has been inevitable for our challenge.

We Learnt to value the elderly more, And Also To Have more communication with One Another and the mutual support That has-been indispensable for Our challenge.

Our driver made a final question for each of the groups again If you like it? If they answered without hesitation!

Our interviewer Laura Asked one more question to Each of the groups. "Would you like to do it again?" Without hesitation They answered "Yes!"

We thank you for combine their experiences and hope to hear more personal stories at the end of our Youth Challenge Cool Cycle 2009! We thank

Them for Their esperience sharing with us, and we hope to hear more personal stories at the end of Our Youth Cool Cycle Challenge 2009!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Free Psychometric Program

Youth Challenge - Youth Challenge

Last Saturday was a wonderful evening at our club, and we're kicking off our next project Youth Challenge (Youth Challenge).

Last Saturday Was An enjoyable time in our Club, and Now We Are Beginning a new project Youth Challenge.

What is "Youth Challenge? It is a program to develop young people. The program began in 1956, known as the Duke of Edinburgh Award, today this program is carried out in 126 countries, including the United Kingdom and Singapore. More than 6 million young people around the world have what they have done. What is the purpose of "Youth Challenge" is that every young man rete itself, that they themselves create their own programs and goals to be achieved, they will see their own progress as a team and individually.

What is Youth Challenge? It's a Youth Development Program. It Was started in 1956, Then Known as the Duke of Duke of Edinburgh's Award, the Programme has now spread to 126 country clubs, like the United Kingdom and Singapore. Over 6 million young people worldwide Award Have taken up the challenge. The goal of Youth Challenge Youth Challenge Is That Each Himself, That the Youths Themselves Their Own program design and Objectives, And That They Would Evaluate Their Own Themselves progress as a group and as an individual.

Youth will learn how to choose and plan their project, also how to comply with the project from start to finish. As well as how they will work with young people from very different personalities to them and how they will overcome the difficulties presented to them on the road, as a team and also himself.

The Youths will learn how Their plan to choose and project, as well as the project follow-through from the Beginning to the end. They will work with Others Whose Also May Be Very Different Personalities and how to Overcome the Difficulties That Appear Along the way, as a group and Individually as well.

Before introducing the new program began with a small game in which each of the young should take toilet paper "just enough" ... the end of this small game was that everyone had a large amount of paper and the more was the amount they (as) should tell the most important events of their lives. We play a game called "Blanket Game" ósea “Juego de Manta”. Tuvimos mucha diversión con eso.

Before we presented the new program, we began with a small game in which each youth had to take as much toilet paper as he or she “needed”… at the end of passing out the toilet paper each youth had to tell as many facts about him or herself according to how many pieces he or she had taken. We also played the Blanket Game and had a lot of fun with that.

Pasado este juego de introducción para ir conociéndose unos a otros. Dimos pase a nuestro Gerente de Proyectos, Keng Suan, to explain a little about Youth Challenge and is this program. We also had a talk show, how a television program in which our young last season, would tell us a bit of experience in the project "Youth Challenge." We met with one of our young (Laura), which conducted a series of questions for each of the young participants, who carried out his project last season.

After the introductory games we Knew Each Other Better. Our Project Manager, Keng Suan, Explain to us a little about Youth Challenge and What It Was about. We Also Had A Talk Show, like a TV program, in Which Our Youths Who with us last cycle Were Told Us About Their experience in the Youth Challenge project. Laura, one of Our Youths, Asked a series of questions to the Participants That Were Involved in the project last cycle.

They told us some of their stories, how they felt, how they chose their project, what difficulties are presented, any memories that and finally, what they learned from your project.

They Told Us A Few of Their anecdotes, How They felt, How They Chose Their Project, What They Had Difficulties, Some memories of What Happened and finally, What They Learnt of the Project.

All this and much more will be discussed in the next week ...

Read about All These and more next week ...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sewing Patches On Biker Vest

Experiential learning - part 3

Last Saturday we conclude our Experiential Learning workshops with activities focused on communication between groups and experience times of conflict. Also the coordination and cooperation were key processes in what we did in the activities.

Last Saturday we Concluded Our workshops with Experiential Learning Activities That Focus on communication Within the groups and on experiencing times of Conflicts. Coordination and cooperation procesos Were Also central to the Activities That we had.

Watch our videos and photos so you know more than we did! Our

Watch videos to see What we did!

Grid This activity is called stepping. Each member had to step on the numbers in order, in the shortest time possible. Planning and communication was very important group in this activity. This activity

Stepping Is Called Grid. The members Had to step on numbers in order in the shortest time possible. Planning and communication in the groups Were important in this activity.

And this activity is called Group Juggling. He goal was to move water balloons between the members and see how many balloons could pass between the group at the same time. Coordination among the group was central to this activity.

And this activity is Called Group Juggling. The goal WAS to pass the water balloons Among the members and to see how balloons Many Among Themselves They Could pass at the Same Time. Coordination Among members was central to this activity.

As always, after the activities, a time we talked about what passed between the times of activities. At this time, take time to reflect on our actions and reactions when we were playing and we share our thoughts with each other, so we can learn from each other on how we can improve when working with others.

As always, after the Activities We had a time to discuss the group in the Process During The Activities. DURING this time, we take time to Reflect on Our actions and reactions When We Were playing and we Share Our Thoughts with One Another, so That We Would Be Able to Learn from One Another about how We Can Improve When we work with Others.

three weeks were exciting
and educational and we hope all our members to apply what they learned in their lives with others, not only in the club. Rather, we hope that what they learned to serve in every area of \u200b\u200btheir personal lives.

The past three weeks Have Been Educational and exciting and we hope all our Club members That Would Be Able To Apply What They Have Learnt in Their Lives with Other People, Not Just in the Club. Furthermore, we hope That What They Would Be Able To Apply What They Have Learnt in Their personal lives.