Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Brown University Interview

The cycle comes to our club. One year for each youth and parents. Very excited for their children who have been challenges as Youth Challenge in which each of our young people received their diplomas, awards for participating in this year

After a whole year of Activities with Our Youths and Their Parents, we held Our Club Closing Ceremony for 2009. The Parents were very enthusiastic Because Their Children Would Be receiving diplomas and awards for Youth Challenge Their participation in this year.

Our outstanding student in the Club this season was Frank. And our most outstanding young people from Youth Challenge were: Laura Palomino, Julissa rock, Judith Höflich Fiorella Zegarra and wearing a medal for being on your grupo.Y also outgoing delivery notes ... obviously satisfactory grades. So it was a wonderful evening they spent together.

Our outstanding student overalls WAS Frank this cycle. The Youths Who Were outstanding in Their participation in Youth Challenge groups Were Laura Palomino, Julissa Meza, Judith Zegarra Fiorella and Höflich, Each Who Received a medal. The rest of the Youths and Their certificates Received grades for the cycle ... Obviously Satisfactory grades. It Spent Was a great afternoon together.

to our meeting place "appreciates and values \u200b\u200bthe China Culture" where we share a wonderful evening with the parents they shared with other parents every Chinese customs ... in which everyone participated " China Cultural Appreciation. "

After That We Had a "Chinese Cultural Appreciation" session in Which we Spent time with the parent and Other visitors and Learnt about the Chinese customs. Everybody Participate in the Cultural Appreciation session.

Jonathan and Jonatha A. Chinese chess game ... who won??

The two Jonathans Are playing a form of Chinese chess ... Who will win?

It's time to learn with these sticks half

complicated ... We Also Had a time of learning how to use chopsticks ...

Corina one of our young, practicing how to eat with those chopsticks!

Corina, one of Our Youths, Practicing how to eat with chopsticks.

Round Led by Miss you ... ... all very Keng Suan attentive to taste very good Chinese tea!

The Chinese Tea ceremony led by Miss Keng Suan ... everyone was very attentive to know how to Perform and enjoy Chinese tea.

This is how we close this year with great joy and great memories that during the year were our youth.

So we ended this year with joy and great memories of the year That we experienced with Our Youths.

has been a satisfactory year in GenACTS !!!,,, We await the next cycle boys and girls ... Thanks to each of you for another year in our Club !!!... Hits for 2009! !

It Was A Satisfactory year in Gen-Acts! We look forward to the next year with everybody again. Thank you for Being with us this year, and all the best for 2009!

Toddler Training Pants

Christmas in Huaycan

Everything was planned to give away thousands of smiles on Christmas day in the Pronoei "Drops of Knowledge" in Huaycan!

We Were planning to Give the kids in the Huaycan Pronoei (school) "Drops of Knowledge" a good time on Christmas!

our Youth and teachers came with a great spirit of Christmas, children who were glad to see us with smiles and welcomed us ... It was the beginning of a morning of fun, where we had a time of sharing, a time to sing and play time course inevitable yehhh! Our Youths

Arrived teachers and volunteer with the Christmas spirit, and the Children Whom we where going to celebrate with us with big smiles WELCOMED. It Was a great start to a fun morning in Which We had a time of sharing, a time of singing and of course a time of playing, yeah!

First we had our share, the rich and the rich chocolate Panteoncito.

First We Had Our Time of sharing food, the delicious paneton and chocolate drink.

It is high time the songs ... with super Hit of the week and the song is "El Burrito Sabanero" (a song very listened in days of Christmas). With my burrito savanna'm on the way to Bethlehem if they see me, if you see me, I'm going to Bethlehem ...! Then

We had a time of singing with the Hit of the Week "The Burrito Sabenero" (The Savannah Donkey - a Christmas song DURING Often Heard). "With my Savannah donkey, I walk to Bethlehem, Yes look at me, look at me, I'm walking to Bethlehem"

Kate (a youth volunteer) Ready to sing with the little ones ... Make a round yeah !

Kate (a youth volunteer) is ready to sing with the little ones, dancing with Them.

Jonathan and Katee in the round of savanna burrito! Here Are

Jonathan and Kate dancing with the kids!

We had the game of musical chairs, that while they give the song sounded around the chairs to stop the music. Immediately everyone has to take his seat and who could not lose the game sit ...

We played Musical Chairs with the Children, Where They Had to walk around the chairs Until the music stopped, Then grab a chair to sit. Those Who Did Not Have a seat lost ...

And our last game was the "Every Man for Himself" the game is to tie a balloon in one of his feet once moored the balloon has to go to burst the balloon of his companion, who takes care of your balloon is the winner ... guys run so it is all against all ...!

And the last game was "Save yourself if You Can" where the Children Had to step on baloons tied to Other children's ankles. Whoever cared for Their balloon Would win. The Children ran happily after Each Other.

are ready to take care of your balloon, if you do not lose! All ready

to take care of your balloon, or You May Lose!

the globe not only to your partner ...!

Step on the balloon and Not on your friends!

After so much time the game was cool! With the chicha morada, mmmm

After all the games It Was Another time for refreshment! With chicha morada (a local drink made from corn). Mmm ...

I want more, want more!

I want more, I want more!

was time for the gifts and that all sit-wait ... Up the gifts!

Then It Was Time for the gifts, and the Children Waited patiently for it ... We Have gifts yay!

All ready for the pictures ...!

Then we got ready for the photos!

And so it was like we had a super in Huaycan ... A souvenir photo with our youth, teachers and the organization ACAP! It was a fun experience in which each learned to share with those who need us most, that Christmas is for all those who have and those who do not have. For the spirit is in every one of us. So

We had a good time in Huaycan, and We Took a photo with Our Youths, teachers and the Organisation Which we COOPERATE with, ACAP! It Was a fun experience and in Which we Learnt to share with Those Who Were more needy Than Us. It Was a Christmas to share with Those Who Had and Those Who Had more less, Because It Was the spirit That Was In Each one of us.

Thanks to each one of you for sharing this wonderful with the kids tomorrow! Merry Christmas Pronoei "Drops of Knowledge."

Thanks to All who shared great this morning with the Children and a merry Christmas to the Pronoei "Drops of Knowledge."

Monday, December 15, 2008

What Scope For My Winchester M70 .308

There is a new startup web for our browsers or browsers have hyperlinks to various pages may be mutually use and best of all is that some time we see that it is actrualizando, and we made contact and web.Los put us on your invite to visit:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baby Booties With Lambskin Soles Pattern


November 29, 2008 ....
Challenge: Brighten the day the old man a Nursing
Group: Youth in Action
the boys in this group formed by Fiorella, Jonathan, Julie, Katherine, Cinthia, Elba, Stephanie, Lilibeth and Anthony, with his mentor Andrew had the desire to do something different ... despite being young people full of adventure ... decided they wanted to help and cheer experience the "experts of life", ie the elderly ..

They went to a nursing home with the intention of bringing a show to laugh at the old man, were also prepared many snacks and drinks.
The challenge began on Saturday 29 November, very early in the morning, Young arrived at work early in the meal preparation .. then at 2 pm met for a final review before the challenge and finally left onto Avenida Brasil, where 200 old ladies waiting for them ..
As soon as they arrived together at the old man and started talking to those who were their own, then spend them good time chatting and sharing comments that animated the spirit of those amcianitos, went to the round of jokes .. the Cula was led by Fiorella (the funny of the group) and then switched to bailetón (led by Julie Dancer) and
all young people with Jonathan (the serious, but not both) began serving meals and dancing with old ladies ... it was time to leave and take the fotito .. and so did their challenge ..

They say it's an unforgettable experience, as we have, plus what was overjoyed that this old man smiled again and it was that smile that made them continue and encourage each other.
The old man also very appreciative of these young men for its initiative to cash them to visit and wish to visit again ..

This project, organized youth in action, helped them develop their potential altruistic and many of them now want to continue serving the community ...

That's really exciting and we want to instill this in more young people who really have the desire to be different .. Thanks

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November 22 .... ... Challenge: Walk in Huacho to Végueta ..
Group: All Terrain
Kids All terrain (off road), made by Judith, Isaias, Kherson and Corina, with Oscar and Suan as mentors, decided to a very long walk ...
They also had to train for a long time and prepare the legs for such a long walk ...
They also came very early to take the bus for the trip ... and upon arrival they began a trek that lasted for 3 hours .. EAT FREE! Then, to get to the beach .. found many crabs with which they were taken lots of pictures!
What they rescued from this adventure was the unity and solidarity ... there were times when some group members they were well and yet his friends, despite the fatigue, loaded on their backs to those already exhausted .. Great!
That has helped to improve their friendship and learn that unity is strength ..
All Terrain returned home .. very tired, very dirty but very happy to know I can!

Can Kidney Stones Cause White Discharge


November 15, 2008 ---- ANTAKAYO scale the mountain in Matucana ...

Group: X-treme LEGS
and began the first challenge!
The first group to meet the challenge were the X-treme legs together to Andrew Teoh (mentor) decided Matucana went up a mountain to reach a beautiful waterfall in 1 hour ..

The group comprised of Laura, Mayra, Jonathan "kiwi", Frank and George .. training and were very encouraged to climb that mountain and the day of challenge was really spectacular.

As we have, rose at 5:00 am and is found in Ov. Santa Anita at 7:00 am took their breakfast (Quinoa and sweet potato bread) and left for Matucana, where they espaeraba the mountain and waterfall Antakayo ... It was a challenge since the inception of this project .. first .. was a challenge to get up super early ... second challenge was to travel in 3 cars for more than 2 hours ... and third the biggest challenge was reaching the top of the waterfall ...

Another challenge was to talk to all the people they encountered along the way who are willing to take pictures with them and who did go ...

But the group says that more than all the adventure and fun, the best was the unity and encouragement were given, to each other ... These young people say that after the challenge, friendship and copnfianza between them has grown significantly and now expect a second challenge where no mountains, no sun, no dust, nor height, nor hours of travel, nothing may stop ... want to break down barriers and show that they are adventurous young blood and want to take their friendship beyond just being a group ... PAWS wants to be the X-treme (legs = good friends) and are very grateful to the club for giving this opportunity to overcome their fears and learn more about your friends ...
And so ends the first challenge of YOUTH CHALLENGE ..