Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can Kidney Stones Cause White Discharge


November 15, 2008 ---- ANTAKAYO scale the mountain in Matucana ...

Group: X-treme LEGS
and began the first challenge!
The first group to meet the challenge were the X-treme legs together to Andrew Teoh (mentor) decided Matucana went up a mountain to reach a beautiful waterfall in 1 hour ..

The group comprised of Laura, Mayra, Jonathan "kiwi", Frank and George .. training and were very encouraged to climb that mountain and the day of challenge was really spectacular.

As we have, rose at 5:00 am and is found in Ov. Santa Anita at 7:00 am took their breakfast (Quinoa and sweet potato bread) and left for Matucana, where they espaeraba the mountain and waterfall Antakayo ... It was a challenge since the inception of this project .. first .. was a challenge to get up super early ... second challenge was to travel in 3 cars for more than 2 hours ... and third the biggest challenge was reaching the top of the waterfall ...

Another challenge was to talk to all the people they encountered along the way who are willing to take pictures with them and who did go ...

But the group says that more than all the adventure and fun, the best was the unity and encouragement were given, to each other ... These young people say that after the challenge, friendship and copnfianza between them has grown significantly and now expect a second challenge where no mountains, no sun, no dust, nor height, nor hours of travel, nothing may stop ... want to break down barriers and show that they are adventurous young blood and want to take their friendship beyond just being a group ... PAWS wants to be the X-treme (legs = good friends) and are very grateful to the club for giving this opportunity to overcome their fears and learn more about your friends ...
And so ends the first challenge of YOUTH CHALLENGE ..


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