Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Quotes That Are Cocky

On 19 December the young people learned about the importance of taking responsibility for his role on the team. We had an activity called Magical Straw, in which students had to go down a straw to the soil. Sounds easy, but it was very difficult.

On the 19th of December the Youths Learnt about the Importance of Taking Responsibility for one's role in the team. We had an activity Called Magical Straw in Which the Youths Had to lower a straw to the ground. It sounds easy But Rather WAS difficult.

also celebrate Christmas with our beloved volunteers. Our young people gave a word of appreciation for their teachers, and volunteers will deliver gifts.
We Also
Celebrated Christmas with Our Beloved Volunteers. Our Youths Gave a speech about What They Appreciated about Their teachers, and We Gave Them gifts.

wish all our young people and volunteers Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wish all
Our Youths and Volunteers Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Teacher Ratio For Cpr

Chat Cantuta - Talk Talk

On November 3 we went to the Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle (La Cantuta), a second time to give a talk on education.

On the 3rd of November We Went to University Enrique Guzmán y Valle (La Cantuta) for the second time to Give to talk on education.

Koh Yun, our volunteer of Singapore, prepared a workshop for some teachers who are students at La Cantuta, giving tips on how to manage a classroom, tools and methods they can use for teaching. The students, who were studying to be teachers, they told that his talk was very useful and interesting.

Koh Yun, Our volunteer from Singapore, to prepare a workshop for Some student teachers from Cantuta, Showing Them tips on how to manage a classroom, Tools and Methods for teaching They Can Use. The students, Studying to Become Who Were teachers, found her very helpful and interesting talk.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Degu Breeders In New York

Education at La Cantuta - China Culture Service Learning

On October 28 we went to the Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle (La Cantuta) to give a talk on China culture.

On the 28th of October We Went to University Enrique Guzmán y Valle (Cantuta) to Give a talk on Chinese culture.

Cantuta University is a large public university and impressive. Provides education, engineering and management. We met some young people who were organizing the lecture for the University.

Cantuta University is quite a big public university and Impressive. It Offers education, engineering and administration. We met A Few Youths Who Were Organizing the talk for the university.

Keng Suan gave the presentation of the China Culture - Culture Prominent in Asia to an auditorium full of students from the Department of Foreign Languages. He spoke of the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western cultures, how they think the Chinese, how to use chopsticks and taught a few simple words of China. Keng Suan

Gave the presentation for Chinese Culture - The Prominent Culture in Asia to an auditorium of students from the Department of Foreign Languages. She spoke about the Similarities and Difference between the Asian and Western cultures, how Chinese think, and how to use chopsticks Taught A Few simple Chinese words.

We had a good time talking with students and eating with them after the talk.
We had a good time talking and eating to the students after the talk with Them.

Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Access Premium Content Dragon Age

October 3 Saturday concluded with the second stage of "Service Learning", with the help of the Municipality of Surco, who joined us Saturday after Saturday the streets of the district, collecting waste either from fruit peels, newspapers, bottles, glass, wood, ect.

On last Saturday the 3rd of October we Concluded with the second stage of "Service Learning", with the help of the Municipality of Surco, Who Accompanied us in the streets of the district Collecting rubbish, be it fruit peels, newspapers, bottles, glass , wood, etc.

They make a plan that will have 3 main requirements these are:


An adventure with the boys and girls who developed the Service Learning.

They will come up with a plan in Which There Are Following the 3 prerequisites:

1) Breaking Assumptions

It is an adventure with the Youths to Develop Them in Learning and Service.

Not bad a team ... Good job guys and girls!

Working in teams is great ... Good job, everyone!

Each group has one person taking note of what is being collected ... In

Each group There is a person Who is taking notes of What is being Collected ...

A special thanks to the municipal utilities and young Surquillo Juevenil Force to be part of this project.

We thank the Municipality of Surco and the Youths With their youthful energy for Being part of this project.

And you conclude with 3 weeks of hard work in the streets .... so Surquillo boys and girls take care of our district. On Saturday there will be many new features.

Malthus And we Concluded These 3 weeks of hard work in the streets of Surquillo ... THEREFORE let us care for Our district. The next Saturday There Will Be more new Activities!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Singing Greeting Cards Battery Life

Bienevenida to our new members

We are very happy to see new faces in the Family GenActs! ... And then introduce you to 3 very responsible young people, employees and the amount is to have a heart to learn .... and they and they are:

're happy to see new faces in GenActs Our Family! And here we present 3 very responsible and cooperative Youths Who are eager to learn, and They Are:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Making Ur Own Biohazard Suit

Start of Spring Cycle 2009 - II

started our English classes and activities on Saturday August 22, Spring Cycle 2009 - II, with a talk to young people about the projects that we will develop this cycle may also assume introduced to their new volunteer teachers, who join the family Gen ACTS! We have started our activities with the Experiential Learning as well - in these activities young people can learn to know themselves and learn to work together. It was fun to see young people playing games such as trust, communication and teamwork.

Experiemental Learning

experiential learning
After the young people spent time for assessment and learning with their teams and leaders.

A good massage after heating ...

Developing teamwork and trust

We warmly welcome young people who join the Gene family ACTS!
- Candi Mendoza.
- José Eduardo Carbonell.
- Hernán Suárez.
- Manuel Muñoz.
- Vicky Espinoza.
- Ida Belet.
- Deysi Facundo.
- Fiorella Roca.

The "Trikis"

The "Dukis"

Thanks also to our former members to come together in the Spring Cycle II -20009. Do not forget every Saturday from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm ... we'll have more on experiential learning!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Donation Request Letter Sample To A Church

Celebrates 5th BlogDay this August 31 Linkin Park

Blogger Are you? Are you ready to be part of something big?
you stop the trace of your passing this land? Celebrate the 5th

BlogDay this August 31

What is BlogDay?

The BlogDay is the day of bloggers, has been created for bloggers know other bloggers from other countries and other areas of interest. August 31 is the day that bloggers are to meet other authors. It's that simple.!

What happens BlogDay?

full day of August 31st, bloggers from the world will post an article to recommend 5 new blogs, preferably Blogs different from their own culture, point of view and attitude. So, that day, August 31, readers will discover other authors away from their usual environment. It is a day to discover new bloggers and new experiences.

BlogDay 's instructions:

  1. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting.
  2. Report or the authors warn that you are recommending for BlogDay.
  3. Write a short description of each blog and link.
  4. post to 31 August, BlogDay, mentioning the 5 blogs that you recommend
  5. BlogDay
  6. Add the Technorati tag:
    http://technorati.com/tag/blogday2009 and a link to BlogDay: http://www.blogday.org
BlogDay to celebrate!
Source: http://www.blogday.org/es.htm

Here my recommendations, some known and some I dare to recommend without knowing anything about them:

Vensiere's blog
Hi, Ciao, Hi!
This is my first blog entry in which I will getting a bit what I like, for now a mini presentation.
I am a student of Computer Engineering, this year I am doing my final project for HP on the Triple Play technology, making the CAP, working as a ......

100 flying
I'm reading the book by Tom Peters called "Re-Imagine." His ability to see change that is taking place in human society is great, and so is the exuberant and positive spirit with which he approaches the subject.
quote and comment:
"The mess is the message" is that our societies ....

Want to have your PC up but only have basic knowledge of their use? ... This space is for you ...

The first time you use a cell phone in 1973 and met so that the first wireless communication equipment. The DynaTAC (FIRST MOBILE also called "The Brick") began shipping since 1983 when Motorola was licensed and began the first commercial cellular system linking Washington and Baltimore.El cell phone or mobile ....

This is the Blog in which publish whatever is interesting in my daily passage through this immense world that is the internet ....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rom Anti Freeze Pokemon Soul Silver

enters the world of Transformers TRANSFORMERS GAME

Linkin Park enters the world of Transformers
We invite you to see this excellent video of Linkin Park with the song that was used for The Transformers movie (Revenge of the Fallen)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Population Genetics And Evolution Answer

Registration Open! CLOSING THE CLUB

Hi guys and girls ... We are already by the beginning of classes and activities of the Club!

If you are interested in becoming members. Come this Saturday, August 8 for registration, with all your friends are based on life at 2:30 pm or call 447-0031 with Ms. or Miss Fiorella Keng Suan ... so this cycle does not know what you you lose! We will be informing you

the beginning of our classes ... :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ap Bio National Lab 4 Answers

As always with news from The Transformer s , here's an online game of transformers for play it for free.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Where To Buy Neutrogena Post Acne Mark Fade Peel

Animal Song: Earth Song

I think there is much to say about this great and beautiful song of the nineties of the great: The King of Pop

Broken Capillary Under My Eye

Revenge of the Fallen, "the" Blockbuster 2009

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, "the" Blockbuster of 2009
Everyone knew but no one imagined how great it could be. THE TRANSFORMERS continue their war against the DECEPTICONS in blockbuster "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
First was the expectation of its release, much anticipated by all for sure, but after two weeks of exhibition, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ( Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ) became on Tuesday July 7 in the first film of the year to raise more than $ 300 million at the box office , being almost certain to enter the select list of 10 most profitable films in cinema history .
also worth noting that international fund Paramount feature surpassed 300 million dollars, bringing the total global blockbuster directed by Michael Bay is above 600 million dollars ( good, until the time of this writing is on the $ 622,988,581 billion), and rises ... rises.
While daily revenues remain strong, the film starring Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox approaches the third weekend since its release worldwide on June 24 in which Optimus Prime and other Autobots returned with renewed energy for the second installment of the blockbuster of Michael Bay . I'm not mentioning any spoilers or function aguándole anyone to say that the action of this new story is centered on the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons , where two races of alien machines will decide the fate of the world two years since the young Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf ) save the universe from a decisive battle between two races of robotic aliens at war.
the outset I say that being a "Blockbuster" I think it deserves a thorough analysis in terms of script or spectacular performances, because it is 100% entertainment, breaking it down so we can say that this sequel has an amazing look , stunning visual effects, exotic locations and a good dose of humor, in short, frenzied spectacle in which Michael Bay repeating the formula of "outright avoidance" but in a louder, longer (150 minutes ), but above all, more spectacular. And I think that says it all, because you're a script consistent and profound characters, do not go to see her.

I consider, exaggerating a bit, as the masterpiece of Blockbuster therefore dedicate myself to speak of the kings of the film: Optimus Prime and Megatron with his new allies in their respective sides, who met through an article he wrote Luis Bistolfi (along generational never or almost never got to see the popular TV series), this humble servant partner in Cinescape and gave me a masterclass on the new characters, so I do a quick run
* side of the Autobots debutantes include Arcee , a female transformer well known to fans of the series, who for the film will become not one but three separate motorcycle. Jetfire, a Decepticon old passed to the side of good, which takes the form of a plane Blackbird. Between the Autobots that transform into cars we have Sideswipe, a dangerous warrior with blades on his arms and used as a skate wheels, which disguises itself as a Corvette ; twins Mudflap and Skids experts in infiltration and can be combined together, the impulsive Jolt, who can launch shocks with their hands and become a Chevrolet Volt, and the tiny Wheelie , which alternate mode is that of a truck of Monster Truck toy. On the side we have the new Decepticon Soundwave , faithful servant of Megatron and one of the characters that stood out in the television series, the Constructicons , several construction vehicles that combine to form a giant android named Devastator with the ability to turn your mouth into a powerful turbine, the feline Ravage, which unlike its predecessor, this time it would have encouraged an alternate form of humanoid, and the Scalpel small , the doctor Decepticons , the massive and destructive Demolishor , who becomes the excavator, and Sideways, a silver Audi that acts as the messenger. The forces are even ...
Now, after meeting the characters who are by far the movie (I'm sorry Megan , YOU ARE THE QUEEN) we can only go see this film a compulsory full of special effects, chases, explosions, fighting between machines fierce, frantic chases and amazing sound from side to side. Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg have to hit back on target with this sequel that represents the film show at its best. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen , the highest grossing film of 2009. If you saw the movie, tell us what you think - and above all you think about Megan Fox ...
source: http://blogs.peru21.pe/

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chinese Cure Pulmonary Fibrosis

Saving the world's largest enterprise! Bayer Transgenic Rice

Extracted from an article by Canal Solidario :

Want to save the company largest planet?

works for 100% of humanity and free. How do we pay? In the last 500 years have gone about 900 animals and 17,000 species are threatened with extinction. Frogs will live "only in fairy tales?

Foto de macfacizar en Flickr Redacción (06/07/2009)
La Unión Mundial para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) lo deja claro: "Aunque no se hable ni la mitad de ella, la crisis de la Wildlife is much worse than the economy. "

The organization has launched an emergency campaign to curb data as devastating as that in the past five centuries, 869 species have disappeared of animals and plants and in the last five years the rate of extinction has accelerated. According to the study of IUCN since 2004 have gone 85 species.

"This allows us to reach concluded that the wildlife is in danger. The extent of the risk of extinction varies as do the different groups of species, "the report said.

addition, since the IUCN explain that the number of extinctions is an" estimate below, but represents a useful tool to understand what is happening in all forms of life on Earth ".

red crab, lynx, African elephants, eels ... Some of the more than 1,700 species are at serious risk of disappearing in the coming years, according to Red List of Threatened Species IUCN has developed.

Taking a look at this list we can find in it a third of amphibians, one in eight bird species and nearly a quarter of mammals.

Crisis, crisis, crisis
The IUCN says the relationship between financial crisis and environmental crisis, but explains that "the status of biodiversity is much more serious that the economic crisis. " "You can close an industry, but also You can open another. In nature, if you lose a species, we lose it forever, "Jean-Christophe Vié complaint, Deputy Director of the IUCN Species and senior editor of the publication.

The IUCN study, published every four years, appears immediately before the date set by governments to assess the extent to which managed the 2010 target of reducing biodiversity loss. The report of the IUCN Wildlife in a Changing World (The wildlife in a changing world) concludes that this objective is not going to get.

The world's largest enterprise

"When governments take measures to reduce the loss of biodiversity, conservation achieved some successes, but we still lack the tendency to change" Vié explains. "It is time to recognize that nature is the world's largest company, working for the benefit of 100% of humanity, and that makes it free. Governments should devote the same effort, if not more, to save nature to overcome the economic and financial sectors ", says the expert.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Wedding Story Poem

"Transformers 2" and "Ice Age 3" topped the box office

LOS ANGELES (AFP) - "Transformers 2, Revenge of the Fallen" and "Ice Age 3, the awakening of the dinosaurs share the top spot at box office, according to preliminary figures released Sunday by the specialist firm Exhibitor Relations .

In its first weekend, the animated "Ice Age 3" failed to overcome the hit "Transformers 2", Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf. two separate Both films grossed $ 42.5 million during the weekend.
In its second week on the bill, "Transformers 2" accumulated $ 293 million in the U.S. and Canada, it said.
The premiere of "Public Enemies, Michael Mann, starring Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillard, came in third with 26.17 million dollars raised between Friday and Sunday.
The romantic comedy "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock, is fourth with 12.78 million dollars, followed by "The Hangover" with 10.41 million.
Pixar animated film "Up" moved into sixth place (6.58 million dollars), followed by "My Sister's Keeper" (5.25 million), Cameron Diaz, and "The Taking of Pelham 123 "with Denzel Washington and John Travolta (2.5 million).
prehistoric comedy "Year One" with Jack Black, was ninth (2.1 million), followed by "Night at the Museum 2" with Ben Stiller (2.1 million).
Source: google publications