Thursday, July 9, 2009

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Saving the world's largest enterprise! Bayer Transgenic Rice

Extracted from an article by Canal Solidario :

Want to save the company largest planet?

works for 100% of humanity and free. How do we pay? In the last 500 years have gone about 900 animals and 17,000 species are threatened with extinction. Frogs will live "only in fairy tales?

Foto de macfacizar en Flickr Redacción (06/07/2009)
La Unión Mundial para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) lo deja claro: "Aunque no se hable ni la mitad de ella, la crisis de la Wildlife is much worse than the economy. "

The organization has launched an emergency campaign to curb data as devastating as that in the past five centuries, 869 species have disappeared of animals and plants and in the last five years the rate of extinction has accelerated. According to the study of IUCN since 2004 have gone 85 species.

"This allows us to reach concluded that the wildlife is in danger. The extent of the risk of extinction varies as do the different groups of species, "the report said.

addition, since the IUCN explain that the number of extinctions is an" estimate below, but represents a useful tool to understand what is happening in all forms of life on Earth ".

red crab, lynx, African elephants, eels ... Some of the more than 1,700 species are at serious risk of disappearing in the coming years, according to Red List of Threatened Species IUCN has developed.

Taking a look at this list we can find in it a third of amphibians, one in eight bird species and nearly a quarter of mammals.

Crisis, crisis, crisis
The IUCN says the relationship between financial crisis and environmental crisis, but explains that "the status of biodiversity is much more serious that the economic crisis. " "You can close an industry, but also You can open another. In nature, if you lose a species, we lose it forever, "Jean-Christophe Vié complaint, Deputy Director of the IUCN Species and senior editor of the publication.

The IUCN study, published every four years, appears immediately before the date set by governments to assess the extent to which managed the 2010 target of reducing biodiversity loss. The report of the IUCN Wildlife in a Changing World (The wildlife in a changing world) concludes that this objective is not going to get.

The world's largest enterprise

"When governments take measures to reduce the loss of biodiversity, conservation achieved some successes, but we still lack the tendency to change" Vié explains. "It is time to recognize that nature is the world's largest company, working for the benefit of 100% of humanity, and that makes it free. Governments should devote the same effort, if not more, to save nature to overcome the economic and financial sectors ", says the expert.


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