Friday, July 3, 2009

Do Gay Guys Starve Themselves

On Saturday took place at the close of our first round of this year. Many of our youth to during this cycle have reached very good grades in their English classes. Also our young people have achieved their petas altruistic to culminate with Youth Challenge.

On Saturday we Had our Club Closing for the first cycle of the year. Many of Our Youths Have Achieved Their Inglés good grades in classes. Furthermore Our Youths Have Achieved Their Goals at the end of Youth Challenge.

Miss Keng Suan, Project Manager of Youth Alive!, Gave a presentation on the achievements obtained during the cycle of young people in English classes and Youth Challenge. And also the recognition of the volunteer teachers who do everything they can to serve others.

Ms. Keng Suan, the Youth Alive! Manager, were present in the Youths Achievements That Have Obtained in this cycle, in the Inglés Classes and Youth Challenge. The volunteer teachers and Thanked Also Were Given Recognition of the work They did in serving Others.

Moreover Andrew Teoh our Director of Acts Generation Club, took delivery of the certificates to the outstanding young English classes as well as Youth Challenge.

Our Country Manager of Generation ACTS Club, Mr Andrew Teoh, Then Presented the certificates to the outstanding Inglés Youths in the classes and in the Youth Challenge.

The first diploma was given to Frank Höflich, above the exit English classes.

The first certificate WAS Award to Frank Höflich for His outstanding performance in Inglés.

On the other hand, we have presented diplomas to the young people participating in Youth Challenge:

Also Certificates Were Given to the Youths Who Participate in Youth Challenge:

-Mayra Saavedra, Judith Zegarra, Joel Talavera Karla Palomino, Palomino
Anthony award of medals and diplomas to Youth Challenge, Youth Challenge

Were Awarded Medals and certificates to:

-Katherine Diaz, Laura Palomino, Fiorella Höflich
That afternoon were parents present for the closing of the first cycle. They could see that their child has met targets for the activities we have done during this cycle. Cycle has been full of great experiences, great moments we spent with each youth and hope that the next cycle, there are more challenges and challenges to meet.

the Parents of the Youths Were Also present in the closing of the 1st cycle. They Have Been Able to see the Goals Achieved Their Children in the Activities That Took place this cycle. It Has Been a full cycle of good experience, and We Have Passed great moments with the Youths and we hope That in the next cycle dog That They continue to challenge Themselves.

Thanks to each teacher and youth who participated in this wonderful cycle:

We thank all the teachers and Youths That Participate in this great cycle:

-Deysi Ayala Erigh
-Ureta Ureta-Linda

-Jonathan Saul Aguilar
-Yanqui Susanibar

-Diana - Joel Talavera

Boys are waiting for the next round ...! We

look forward in seeing all of you the next cycle!

Ads: Do not forget that this Saturday we started with 27 classes MANDARIN CHINESE
If you are interested please contact with us 447-0031.

A reminder: Do not Forget That That this Saturday the 27th we will start with Our Chinese (Mandarin) classes. If you are interested please contact with us 447-0031. If You Are Interested, call us at 447-0031.


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